Glyn Boobyer
2010 to 2019 |
2000 to 2009 |
1990 to 1999 |
1980 to 1989 |
1972 to 1979 |
2010 Ruddigore |
2011 The Gondoliers |
2012 The Sorcerer |
2013 Iolanthe |
2014 The Pirates of Penzance |
2015 The Yeomen of the Guard |
2016 The Mikado |
2000 HMS Pinafore |
2001 The Sorcerer |
2002 The Gondoliers |
2003 Yeomen of the Guard |
2004 Iolanthe |
2005 Princess Ida |
2006 Pirates of Penzance |
2007 Mikado |
2008 Patience |
2009 HMS Pinafore |
1990 Pirates of Penzance |
1991 Princess Ida |
1992 The Gondoliers |
1993 HMS Pinafore |
1994 Yeomen of the Guard |
1995 Iolanthe |
1996 The Pirates of Penzance |
1997 Patience |
1998 The Mikado |
1999 Ruddigore |
1980 H.M.S Pinafore |
1981 Ruddigore |
1982 The Pirates of Penzance |
1983 The Gondoliers |
1984 Patience |
1985 Yeomen of the Guard |
1986 Iolanthe |
1987 The Sorcerer |
1988 The Mikado |
1989 Ruddigore |
1972 Trial by Jury |
1973 HMS Pinafore |
1974 Iolanthe |
1975 The Gondoliers |
1976 The Pirates of Penzance |
1977 The Yeomen of the Guard |
1978 The Mikado |
1979 Princess Ida |
Current Hall of Fame |
Past Hall of Fame |